How To Find Your Genius
“Only those who are brave enough to break the rule and follow their own path achieve true success.” - Vadim Zeland
Ever since I can remember, I’ve been drawn to authenticity. In my early years, I was sort of a snob. I thought people were all copies. I despised Copying.
Perhaps this was a fear that I, too, wasn’t “original.”
Truth be told, we all copy. We see light in others, success in others, greatness - and we wish to be that ourselves.
But the only way to truly shine and tap into our own genius is by making our own rules and playing whatever game we are in as ourselves.
Our best selves.
It’s a journey that you alone are on.
The rules are your own.
So we can look to others for inspiration, but to me inspiring someone means letting others see their own light within so they, too, can shine. But this shining is unique. That’s what makes it shine.
We all have genius. We all have great ideas. Brilliance. It’s buried beneath conformity. But once you tap into your own soul and create freely, you will be a genius too.
It turns out that me being drawn so much to authenticity and my annoyance with copy cats was all meant to be. This led me to my own path of self mastery, freedom and authenticity.
I have a passion for freedom. Being oneself. And freely creating from the soul. My hope is that all of us find that within ourselves.
“The reason the work of a genius appeals to you so much is because these creative works are born of the heart. What you choose to create will please others just the same, as long as it originates from the uniqueness of your soul. Everything that is ordinary and mediocre is created by the mind.” - Vadim Zeland